Vampires Suck

Vampires Suck

Vampires Suck (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Name of Movie: Vampires Suck

Director: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer

Year Released: August 18, 2010

Summary: In a world where vampire-themed movies are the norm, there comes a movie that just destroys the vampire genre.

Or pokes fun at it.

If you love Twilight (or hate it), then you’ll do nothing more than laugh yourself to death at this rather stupid show.

So we have the story about a girl, her vampire boyfriend, a rather annoying wolf-boy, and everything else vampire, which all comes crashing down at the prom.

My review: Possibly the funniest, stupidest, and most annoying film I have seen all year. I laughed myself to death.

My recommendation: If you love/hate Twilight and/or like spoofs, then watch this movie.

My rating: ***1/2

The Dark Knight

Cover of "Dark Knight [Blu-ray]"

Cover of Dark Knight [Blu-ray]

Name of Movie: The Dark Knight

Director: Christopher Nolan

Year Released: July 18, 2008

Summary: Batman, Gordon, and Harvey Dent join forces to stop a wicked killer known as “the Joker”, who is threatening to destroy all of Gotham City!

My review: An excellent approach to the whole “Joker” situation. (R.I.P., Heath Ledger) I surely enjoyed this movie, albeit all the violence an killing that went on in it.

My recommendation: For those of you who would enjoy this film.

My rating: *****